Stream Stars Leaderboard

Standings as of March 9, 2025, 10:33 am EST
I compute these scores manually a couple of times a day using my own software (I am not a computer). This website has no affiliation with FishtankLive.
Now showing organic rankings! These rankings are based solely on streamers' performance metrics (TTS, SFX, and viewer count) without any outside influence. Awarded points from winning challenges and donator interventions that decrease points are not included in these rankings.
Now showing regular rankings! These rankings include all point adjustments, including those from won challenges/awarded points, and donations that decrease point totals. These rankings are calculated using the same formula FTL uses.

Point Calculation Weights

Base Points
Base Points are points you are awarded for winning mini challenges, or for being extra entertaining. They also represent points that get taken away from you from donators. Base Points can be negative. This number is added with your organic score to produce a point total.
TTS Donations
Text-to-speech donations have the highest impact on your point total. Creating content that promotes text to speech donations will pay off a lot.
Current Viewers
Your current viewer count is a snapshot of your viewer count at the time the calculation is made.
Average Viewers
Maintaining a high viewer count over the entire lifetime of your streams provides a steady flow of points
SFX Donations
Sound effect donations contribute significantly to your point total, equal in weight to TTS donations. Since they're usually cheaper than TTS, you may receive more of them, making SFX donations an essential component of your score.
Meta: Focus on engaging content that encourages both TTS and SFX donations for maximum point gains, as they now carry equal weight in the scoring system. Try to minimize time where you will have low viewers. Sleep streaming can hurt you in this category or help you depending on if you can get people to fall asleep with your stream on or not.
Global Stream Statistics (Excludes Some Eliminated Streams)
Total TTS
Total SFX
Total Avg. Viewers
Most Liked Streamer
Least Liked Streamer